
Auto Reader View Manager

Firefox add-on


GitHub Website

This was my first browser extension.

It provides a powerful way to manage Firefox’s reader-view from the extension.

You can do it with a whitelist or a blacklist. The former meaning that only some websites are always opened in reader-view and the latter meaning that all websites except the ones you specify are opened in reader-view.

To my knowledge this is the most powerful and customizable reader-view add-on for Firefox. Despite this it didn’t catch up. But that’s fine, because it was more of a challenge to build a browser add-on than a profitable project.

I developed the main version in less than 2 days and I worked around 10 hours per day on this. Needless to say I was fed up with JavaScript forever.

Still, I learned a lot about JS, reading documentation, and how extensions work, and it was an overall interesting project to work on!